What happens when you and your neighbors keep food scraps out of the trash? You lighten the load, reduce odors, and curb the waste burden to your area. What happens when those food scraps are then composted right in the neighborhood? People working together create a local solution to a global problem.
Communities have the power to decide how their food scraps are composted. Unique to the recycling and waste streams, all the resources needed to compost food scraps and yard debris, can be sourced locally. Community Composting consolidates the organic materials at a local facility, a community garden, or distributed across multiple backyards, where local folk manage the composting process, for the benefit of their community.
The impact of Community Composting can be substantial. At our Earth Appliance Organics Compost Facility, we have composted over one million pounds of food scraps in the first ten years as we developed these game-changing programs.
When we reach our target capacity, we will be composting over one million pounds per year, equivalent to the food scraps generated by about 50 city blocks!
Couple to a network of local Drop-Off Depots, Composting Hubs and Local Pickup Services, Community Composting promises the most effective solution to wasted food buried in our landfills, and offers the greatest return back to the community.